Is your facility or office continually running our of paper towels & toilet paper? Talk to your cleaning company, they can help keep you supplied and possibly save you money!
The sprayer and fogger can leave a residue, it’s a good idea to get a cleaning company to come in at least once a week to clean all surfaces
If your company does not offer a fogging service, here is a great product to disinfect your facility
When was the last time your company’s air ducts were cleaned? Air ducts circulate the air in your facility which keep your employees healthy
Great idea is to use “Safety Data Sheets” at your facility. Gives any cleaning crew update information
These cards are useful tools to help communicate with your cleaning company in case they miss something
Put disinfectant in a small spray bottle to clean and disinfect your work area before you leave work at the end of the day
1) Make sure you clean before you disinfect the facility
2) Focus on the hot spots when cleaning – chairs, doorknobs, computer mouse and more
This is an investment in your business
Deep cleaning and disinfecting your facility and office will keep you and your employees healthy
We are certified and got a fogger to deep clean and disinfect your office and facility
Our daily routine has been interrupted by the Coronavirus
When you order products online or purchase from a local store. Make sure you disinfect it before you put away
Keep your immune system strong during this CoronaVirus
Buy a little package of Kleenex if you run out of hand sanitizer
Disinfecting Part II – it one tasks to clean the office but you also need to disinfect with a spray to kill the bacteria.
Make sure your cleaning company is disinfecting your phones, keyboard, door handles will help keep your office staff healthier.
Having a Sanitaire Magnet Strip on your vacuum can help save the rollers and pickup all the nails and screws that have been dropped
Ask your cleaning company if they have a quality checklist? It can help to reduce illness
It’s important to hire employees with similar core values
When your cleaning company does not clean properly, your employees can get sick. Ending up with you losing money
Being a leader will create a successful business with happy employees who want to strive more than 100%
Creating a successful business depends on having a good team
Here are 4 points to creating a good first impression when clients/customers visit your office
Receiving affirmations like this wonderful “thank you” card knows we are doing a good job and keeps us motivated!
We all look for ways to save money. Purchasing concentrated products will save you money in long run
There are advantages to hiring a cleaning company.
Your cleaning company may be cleaning your office space but get a price to see how much they would charge to add-on scrubbing the manufacturing floors. It’s nice not having dust blow everywhere.
Have clear communication with your cleaning company so you are not frustrated
It’s flu season – get Clorox wipes to wipe down phone – keyboards – desk, etc
Are those carpets and tile floor beyond dirty? Ask your cleaning company if they can help you out
It’s a great idea to have the fire department come do a walk through of your industrial facility
Impress your customers and clients with clean floors
Let’s get those fire detectors checked and have a plan for your employees and family
Set up group interviews when you are looking for new employees
In-House vs contracting a cleaning service
Do you have high employee turnover? The answer may be to create a hiring funnel
Paying your employees is paramount but showing appreciation and respect is also vitally important for the employee and your company
Does the cleaning company you use have a quality checklist?
Are you not sure what time your cleaning company is showing up? It’s time to build a consistent schedule and relationship with your cleaning company
Does your cleaning company offer a guarantee? Here are tips on asking for one
Instead of your company continuously purchasing supplies like trash can liners, maintenance supplies, etc. Ask your cleaning company if they can supply so you don’t forget to order
It’s wise to keep a cleaning/tasks checklist in the maintenance closet so your cleaning company does not miss any items to be cleaned
Especially during the winter, it’s a great idea to put reflectors where the curb/grass starts
Does your company have a blueprint of where all the fire extinguishers and exits are in the building?
Have you communicated your company’s core values to employees?
Are you playing tag with your cleaning company? We have our clients use an app called Swept
When is the last time you checked the garage doors?
Don’t forget to clean under the sink!
Have you been woken up in middle of night because the alarm is going off in your commercial facility? Great tip – make a video
Get this cool attachment for your vacuum – Sanitaire Magnet Strip
During the winter months rather than wait for someone to come help jump your dead vehicle. Get the Buture Jump Kit
Avoid water leak problems – shut off the water valve once per month
Save your weekend for fun not laundry
Write your goals and tape to your bathroom mirror! It will help and remind you!!
Are you using the wrong chemical on your stainless steel products?
Dry out the toilet bowl brush to get rid of the sink!
Do you sit all day? It’s time to stretch for 10 minutes before work and before bed!
Having a salt spread in your building will help clear ice from sidewalks & walkways during these winter months
Start the New Year right. Review your habits both good and bad
Keeping your floors cleaning means knowing what type of cleaner you are using
Don’t kill your back, get this wonderful Swiffer tool to wipe down the walls
We use Betco to make those rust stained sinks look NICE!
Tie a knot on your trash can liner – it will keep your cans clean
When you have a to-do list – it will save you time and even money!
Preventing loss from fire, make sure you have your fire alarm, extinguisher checked yearly. Plus designate a fire marshall for your office.
When was the last time you had your electric outlets check?
Is your shower head only trickling? Here is a trick to unclog the tiny holes
Grab a tennis ball and a 4′ stick to remove those marks on tile
Put a magnet in front of your vacuum to prevent from damaging your rollers
Put a little rubbing alcohol in your water to prevent the water from freezing on windows when cleaning in cold weather
Do you put whites with colors then your white t-shirts turns pink? Put a little bit of salt in with the laundry to prevent colors from running
Get an ice pack from the freezer and put on the gum that is stuck on your carpet.
Highly recommend the Magic Eraser! Helps us in our business so much!
Grab the vinegar and cup of water!
Flush the toilet 3 times before you clean the toilet bowl!
Are you reading labels before you start cleaning?
STOP hitting the snooze button! Your morning build success habits!
To prevent your wipers from sticking to your windshield – put your wipers up.
Make sure you change your filter to prevent high cost of furnace repair. Change every 4 month
Has your fur baby had accidents on your carpet? Here is a tip to clean up those urine marks
Every 2 weeks – put vinegar in your coffee machine to descale the machine and have your coffee taste good!
Keeping your vacuum maintained prevents from dust being blown around
We got those stains out of the carpet!!